❤ Подпишитесь на мой YouTube (Ютуб) канал пожалуйста. 😼 Пожалуйста, посмотрите это видео напрямую на YouTube (Ютуб) для лучшего опыта.😸 Have you heard the saying "I'm going to burn my brogues" that people say when they finally decide to step up one level or even *gulp* TWO levels? Well, don't worry, I haven't heard it either, I make up shit like there's no tomorrow. That doesn't mean it's not a valid saying, of course. But enough of that BS, watch me playing my improvising arse off, and pay attention to how I left the sound basically dry. And please, embrace it. Because it was one of those artistic choices, blah blah, you know the drill. Don't you ever get tired with the delay- and spring- and hall reverb ridden guitar tones sometimes? As beautiful as they are, and man, they ARE. But sometimes we need a change, every now and then. We need to burn our brogues. I guess. https://youtu.be/HmJW9IKC1NI #burnmybrogues #electricguitar #guitarsolo #overdrive #improvisation #guitar #rockguitar #brogues #irishshoes

Теги других блогов: electricguitar burnmybrogues guitarimprovisation